Global Search

Rytek can assist in searching for your ultimate car. Our network allows us to reach out to Asia and Europe to find your dream car. We also can work with several of our partners to help guide you through the purchase process.

Auto Logistics

Rytek has the expertise to handle the logistics involved with importing your car. Our team can handle all the paperwork involved We are ideally located to one of the most used auto deep water ports on the west coast of the United States.


Once we have your dream car in our shop we have the engineering background to make sure that your car can pass emissions and other standards so you can legally register and drive you car in all 50 states.

grey market import emissions modification

Grey Market Import Services

Our team can handle from designing, manufacturing and installing any modifications required to make your grey market car legal to register and drive in the United States.

Automotive Consultaions

We are also available to take on consulting projects for those who are in need of an engineering solution or would like to tap into our network of automotive contacts.


Next Steps to your Grey Market Import

The next step is to contact us today by telling us about the scope of your project.